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How to measure BP

How to measure BP
You need a Sphygmomanometer & a stethoscope. Sphygmomanometer is used to monitor BP. A cuff is tied around the arm and is inflated. This cuff is connected to a mercury barometer. Person measuring BP uses a stethoscope to hear sound over brachial artery. Keep stethoscope over brachial artery and start inflating the cuff. You will hear sound of pulse beat, keep inflating till you do not hear any sound around 170 mm of Hg. Slowly deflate the cuff now & now note the point where you start hearing pulse beat sound in stethoscope. This is systolic value. Further deflating will lead to a point where you will again do not hear any sound this is your diastolic value.

Once high BP develops it usually lasts life long. Most of them are asymptomatic and require treatment which may prolong life long, so one should be very carefully labeled as Hypertensive. Not just one reading is enough for the purpose. At least 3 readings taken after 15 minutes of rest over 3 days are necessary